Inventory of data reduction and analysis software used in high-energy X-ray research at PETRA III (WAXS, SAXS, GIWAXS, GISAXS, PDF)
This is a catalogue of software programs that have proven to be useful to the Swedish research community that used the PETRA III synchrotron. The various software programs are categorised as either data reduction software for 2D area detector X-ray scattering images or data analysis software for WAXS, SAXS, GIWAXS, GISAXS, and PDF.
Release date: August 2022
Authors: Tao Zhou, Denise McCluskey, Peter Hedström, Gabriel Spartacus and Fredrik Eriksson
TRITA-ITM-RP 2022:2. 2022. ISBN 978-91-8040-319-1
This inventory catalogs the software programs that have proven to be useful to the Swedish research community that conducts research at the PETRA III synchrotron, including the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline. Based on publications from 2018, the inventory categorises the various software programs used in research as either data reduction software for 2D area detector X-ray scattering images or data analysis software for WAXS, SAXS, GIWAXS, GISAXS, and PDF.
Each software program has a short description of its functionality, notes about the developer, links to the original publication describing the scientific method that the software is based upon, as well as the site for downloading the software program.
Inventory of data reduction and analysis software 2022 (PDF) (pdf 561 kB)