Magnetic cryostat
The magnet cryostat is dedicated to the investigation of single crystals, pre-aligned on sample holder for scattering on horizontal plane, with access to +/- 10 degrees of scattering angles parallel and perpendicular to the field direction. In Materials science it has been used for investigations of the quantum Hall effect on ZrTe5 semimetal.

The magnet cryostat can give up to 10 T horizontal field at temperatures of 2 – 300 K in He gas environment (10 mbar). It is dedicated to the investigation of single crystals, pre-aligned on sample holder for scattering on horizontal plane, with access to +/- 10 degrees of scattering angles parallel and perpendicular to the field direction. Four Al windows allow for accurate orientation matrix determination. Because of the high background coming from the Al windows and VTI, an analyser crystal and collimation slits can be adopted to study low intensity (~10-6 of a Bragg peak reflection) signal.
Further information about the sample environment on the P21.1 beamline website: Sample environment webpage
Hall effect studies
Galeski et al. investigated the quantum Hall effect on ZrTe5 semimetal. Observations of XRD peaks of ZrTe5 have been made with and without a magnetic field up to 2 T. These experiments demonstrated that the crystal structure did not display any changes in this range of magnetic field.
Experiments were performed at the Swedish Materials Science beamline, branch P21.1.
For more information about this research see: S. Galeski, T. Ehmcke, R. Wawrzyńczak, P.M. Lozano, K. Cho, A. Sharma, S. Das, F. Küster, P. Sessi, M. Brando, R. Küchler, A. Markou, M. König, P. Swekis, C. Felser, Y. Sassa, Q. Li, G. Gu, M.V. Zimmermann, O. Ivashko, D.I. Gorbunov, S. Zherlitsyn, T. Förster, S.S.P. Parkin, J. Wosnitza, T. Meng, J. Gooth, Origin of the quasi-quantized Hall effect in ZrTe5, Nat Commun. 12 (2021) 3197.