Alternative access routes
Apply for privileged access by submitting a beam time proposal if you will publish research results. Apply for paid access to keep results confidential.

Privileged or paid access?
Access to the Swedish Materials Science beamline and other DESY-operated beamlines at PETRA III is open to Swedish universities, research institute and companies. The process for gaining access depends upon whether you wish to publish the results from the measurements or keep these entirely confidential.
Applying for privileged access
If you’re happy to publish measurement results in scientific articles, and you as the beam time access Project Leader work at a Swedish university, research institute or company, then you can apply for privileged access by submitting a beam time proposal.
Read more about the application process here: Applying for privileged beam time
Paying for confidential access
If you wish to keep your results confidential, it is necessary to pay for access to PETRA III.
If you’re experienced in beamline measurements, know there is an experimental environment that you can use, and have a clear project plan, then you ought to be able to gain access to the PETRA III facilities by contacting DESY’s Industry Relations Manager.
DESY’s Industry Relations Manager:
Sabine Jähmlich
Phone: +49 40 8998-4579
If you have little prior experience, you should know that costs vary significantly. They depend on the duration of the experiments, the availability of experimental environments as well as the amount of support you need to conduct the measurements as well as analyse the enormous volumes of experimental data.