CeXS is run by a small team that reports to a board. CeXS and the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beam line together form the PETRA III Swedish Node. The Swedish beam line is governed by two fora, where nominees from CeXS act in the interests of the Swedish research community.

CeXS organisation
CeXS is hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in partnership with Linköping University (LiU) and in collaboration with Uppsala University (UU).
CeXS management team:
- Director Peter Hedström (KTH)
- Vice Director Fredrik Eriksson (LiU)
- Manager Denise McCluskey (KTH)
The management team reports to a board, which sets the direction for CeXS.
Board members:
- Professor Jens Birch (LiU), Chair
- Professor Annika Borgenstam (KTH)
- Professor Kajsa Uvdal (LiU)
- Dr Ulrich Lienert (DESY)
- Dr Conny Såthe (MAX IV Laboratory)
- Assistant Professor Petra Jönsson (UU)
- Professor Daniel Söderberg (KTH)
And, as an observer Professor Edvin Lundgren (Lund University)
CeXS representation on governance fora
The Swedish Research Council and DESY have a contractual agreement concerning operations of the Swedish Materials Science beamline and Swedish privileged access. That contract stipulates two governance fora.
- The Steering Committee, which has one CeXS nominated representative: Professor Edwin Lundgren (Lund University), one VR representative and a DESY representative.
- The Steering Group comprises the following CeXS nominated representatives. The Director and vice director of CeXS and Assoc Professor Lina Rogström (LiU).
DESY's organisation and processes
Key units and people involved in the Swedish beamline operations and privileged access process at DESY are as follows.
- The P21.1 beamline branch is managed by Dr Martin von Zimmermann and run by him and a staff of 2 beamline scientists.
- The P21.2 beamline branch is managed by Dr Ulrich Lienert and run by him and a staff of 4 beamline scientists.
For their respective beamline branches, Drs Lienert and von Zimmermann have overall responsibility for planning beamline use, supporting users at the beamline as well as planning beamline maintenance and instrument upgrades.
Beam time allocation
Beam time allocation, including privileged beam time access, is decided as part of DESY’s call process. The person responsible for that process is DESY’s Dr Oliver Seek.
DESY makes a call and researchers submit proposals for beam time access. Proposals are assessed on the basis of scientific excellence and project feasibility by independent scientists. Scientists then meet together in a so called Project Review Panel (PRP), which ranks proposals, with the ranking being the basis for beam time prioritisation.
There are various PRPs for differing beamlines ( see this DESY site ) for more information about the PRP beamline groupings and members. CeXS has taken an active role in identifying and providing lists of suggested candidates for the PRPs to DESY, which DESY then select from. Currently there are 9 Swedish representatives on 8 of 13 PRPs.
Swedish proposals that were not allocated a beam time then have a 'second chance' via the privileged beamtime allocation (see this CeXS homepage for a fuller description of that process). The CeXS Manager interacts with DESY to monitor that process.