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Widespread support received for Swedish SIPs

Published Dec 14, 2020

Three Swedish material science and engineering proposals, comprising science cases and scientific instrument designs for the future PETRA IV, gained widespread support in Sweden and internationally

DESY are planning to upgrade the PETRA III facility to its fourth generation. A call for Scientific Instrument Proposals (SIPs) was made by DESY in order to get users' input to the design of PETRA IV's beamlines and measurement stations.

CeXS orchistrated three proposals for Material Science & Engineering SIPs - engaging users of the Swedish Material Science beamline at PETRA III and the SMS beamline staff as well as stimulating the support of research groups in Sweden and internationally.

The active collaboration between the Swedish community and the SMS beamline staff illustrates the mutual respect that both parties in this international cooperation have already gained for each other - and sets the stage for enhanced cooperation in the future.

This example of Swedish-Germany collaboration - together with the significant input so many people in our community provided in shaping, reviewing and supporting the proposals - indicates a bright future for Swedish materials science and engineering resarch at both PETRA III and the planned PETRA IV.

Thank you to all!