VR visits the Swedish beamline

Maja Hellsing from VR, responsible for managing the grants for Swedish privileged
access to PETRA III, visited the synchrotron at the beginning of May.
The Swedish government has given the directive to The Swedish Research Council (VR) that VR should support infrastructures that are of national importance to Sweden. Key Swedish investments include MAX IV and ESS. Sweden also recognises the need for high energy in-situ/in operando material science experiments. Therefore, the Swedish material science beamline was commissioned at the PETRA III synchrotron as a complement to MAX IV and ESS.
Dr Maja Hellsing now has responsibility for the grants that enable Swedish researchers to gain privileged access to the Swedish beamline and other beamlines at PETRA III.
Maja visited the Swedish beamline on 5 May to see for herself this advanced instrument and Swedish experimental possibilities.